Terms of Service
1. Disclaimer:
All content on our website is provided on an “as is” basis. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the operation or availability of our services. We do not guarantee the accuracy, likely outcomes, or reliability of any of our services or any content linked to our website; we may make changes to any content on our website at any time, but we have no commitment to regularly update the materials we provide. We disclaim any damage resulting from your use of our services.
2. Terms:
By accessing our website, you are legally bound by these terms of service and all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with any of these terms, please be aware that you will not be able to access our services.
3. Intellectual Property:
All content provided on our website, such as logos, forms, and other intellectual property associated with our services is property of Sincerely Gen 1.5 and should not be used without written consent from us.
4. User Responsibility:
Our services are available to users of all ages; however, please be aware that if you are under 13 years old, you need parental or guardian approval before registering for any of our services. You are responsible for providing correct information when signing up for any of our services or to become a volunteer. We are not responsible for verifying the information you provide, and you will be responsible for any liabilities if you provide false information.
5. Modifications:
We may revise any of these terms of service any time without notice. By using our website and our services, you are agreeing to our current terms of service.
6. Governing Law
These terms of service are governed by and in accordance with the laws of Minnesota, the United States of America, and you automatically submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in that state or that location by accessing our website and our services.